
Stranded in Space

Source: AI generated image-astronauts have been completely stuck in space Read about ambitious space journeys which got delayed because of technical or intentional issues. Understand the health implications such unpredictable events may


Source: Flickr- Monkeypox Virus _ Colorized scanning electron micrograph Learn about the outspread of the deadly monkeypox virus, its symptoms, and preventions and cure. After the COVID pandemic, situations which first seemed


Source: Flickr- Sleepless _ Self-portait Inspiration can strike you whenever Learn about insomniacs all over the world and understand their philosophy behind not sleeping for days, months, and even, years. No one


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Source: Flickr- Sleepless _ Self-portait Inspiration can strike you whenever Learn about

The Birth of the Computer Virus: Elk Cloner and Its Impact

Source: Image by Deviantart_art- Elk-Cloner-Error-119507358 Introduction The concept of a computer virus-a