We Do Not Sell Personal Information
Your Privacy Matters to Us at www.whathefact.com
Our Commitment to Your Privacy:
At WhaTheFact, Fact-Based Content and News Provider, we prioritize the privacy and trust of our users. We understand the importance of personal information and are committed to safeguarding it.
Our Use of Information:
We want to be clear: we do not sell your personal information to any outside companies. The data we collect from your interactions with our website is used exclusively to enhance your experience on our site. This includes tailoring advertisements that are more relevant and useful to you, based on the content you engage with on our platform.
How We Use Data to Serve Ads:
The information we gather serves a specific purpose: to improve the relevance of the ads you see on our website. This practice helps ensure that the content and advertisements presented to you are in line with your interests and online behaviors. It’s a way to make your browsing experience more personalized and less cluttered with irrelevant ads.
Our Promise of Transparency:
We believe in transparency and openness about how we handle your data. While we utilize your information to serve better ads, we do so with the utmost respect for your privacy and within the boundaries of legal and ethical data usage.
Your Rights and Choices:
We acknowledge and respect your rights regarding your personal data. You have the right to know how your information is being used and to opt out of any data collection processes if you choose to do so.
Contact Us:
Should you have any questions or concerns about how we handle your data, or if you wish to understand more about our advertising practices, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our team is here to provide clarity and address any of your concerns.
You can also submit a request by emailing us at privacy@whathefact.com.
Thank you for being a valued member of the WhaTheFact community.
We are committed to continually earning your trust every day.
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